Applications for places in the first year cohort of 2021/22 are now closed. Thank you to all Parents/Guardians/Students who have applied for places in Coláiste Chríost Rí. Please visit the admissions section of this website for further details together with our admissions policy and admissions notice for this year.
Child Protection
The Board of Management of Coláiste Chríost Rí has updated the risk assessment and Child Safeguarding statement for our school. The revised documents are available in the policies section of this website.
Virtual Open Evening
Our Principal, Pádraig Mac An Rí, Deputy Principal Liam Shorten and members of the teaching and support team will provide an overview of all that Coláiste Chríost Rí has to offer in supporting students to realise their individual potential. They will be joined by representatives of the Board of Management and members of the student body in outlining their first hand experience of the school, its ethos and its focus on Inspiring Young Minds. This will be followed by a virtual tour of the school showcasing all the facilities we have to offer.
The entire event should last approximately 20 minutes.
In order to access this virtual event, we will send an online link to the email address provided on completed registration forms. This will take you to our Virtual Open Night website page and all you have to do is click on the video link within this page at 6.30pm on Wednesday 23rd September, 2020.
To register your interest in attending on that evening and in order to receive the link, please complete the Registration Form below and submit by 12 noon on Tuesday 22nd September and we will follow up thereafter with additional information regarding the Evening.
We would be delighted if you could join us.
The Coláiste Chríost Rí Team.
Code of Positive Behaviour
All Parents/Guardians and students are asked to make themselves familiar with the recently revised Code of Behaviour, now called the Code of Positive Behaviour, [available here or in hardcopy from the school office on request]. As the name suggests, the revised policy re-emphasises our restorative approach to encouraging good behaviour in a manner that is both firm but humane and fair. All Parents/Guardians & students must sign the acceptance form which will be sent to each family by post. Each student MUST return this signed form on the first day of his return to school
Mr Liam Shorten appointed as Deputy Principal of Coláiste Chríost Rí
The Board of Management of Coláiste Chríost Rí are delighted to announce the appointment of Mr Liam Shorten as Deputy Principal of Coláiste Chríost Rí. Mr Shorten hails from Ballingeary and previously taught in Coláiste Mhuire, North Monastery. We welcome Mr Shorten into our school community and wish him well in his new role. Mr Shorten replaces our long serving colleague Mr. Dáithí Ó hAodha.
Open Night / Admissions
Coláiste Chríost Rí will host our open night on Wednesday 23rd September 2020 starting at 6:30 pm. Planning for the open night is well advanced and details will be released soon. PLEASE CLICK HERE TO REGISTER YOUR INTEREST IN ATTENDING THIS YEAR’S OPEN NIGHT.
Changes to our admissions policy [available here] mean that we are unable to accept applications before October 1st 2020.