Our school was subject to a Department of Education Whole-School Evaluation – Management, Leadership and Learning Assessment in recent months. This assessment reports on the quality of teaching and learning and on the quality of management and leadership in a school. It affirms good practice and makes recommendations, where appropriate, to aid the further development of educational provision in the school.
During this inspection, the inspectors evaluated and reported under the following headings:
1. Quality of school leadership and management
2. Quality of teaching and learning
3. Quality of support for students’ wellbeing
We are proud of the subsequent report results and findings which are summarised here:
- The quality of teaching and learning was of a high standard, with a number of instances of very good quality practice observed.
- The quality of school leadership and management was very good: the senior leadership was supported in its work by an experienced board of management.
- Provision for students with special educational needs (SEN) was very good and included the work of a dedicated team, while good support for students with English as an Additional Language (EAL) was also provided .
- Support for students’ wellbeing was of a very high quality, and very good attention was paid to promoting student voice and engagement.
- Very effective practice was evident in the school’s development of leadership capacity.
- The school’s engagement with school self-evaluation (SSE) was of a very high standard and the school demonstrated a very good capacity for continued improvement.
We acknowledge and thank the Board and the entire teaching and student body for their participation and engagement in the process. Click here to read or download the report.